Prof. Dr. Emil Constantinescu
President of Romania 1996 - 2000
Lecture at Postgraduate Certificate Course in Social power, organized by WAAS at the World University Consortium, Dubrovnik, Inter-University Centre, November 01st 2016 2015
Introduction for Dr. Irina Bolcova, keynote speaker to "A New Humanism for the 21st Century, London, 5th September, 2016
Speech at International Simposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the Arab World "The Political, Economic and Cultural Dimensions", ICD Berlin, July 26th, 2016
Speech at Nizami Ganjavi International center VIII High-Level Meeting, Andorra la Vella, 12th - 14th june, 2016
Speech ot the XIII INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM, WAAS, Lisbon, May, 2016
Speech at the ICD conference: speech at the panel SHIFTING FROM AN UNEQUAL, DIVIDED WORLD TO A SHARING SOCETY: HOW ?, Baku, May 11th, 2016
Speech at CULTURAL DIPLOMACY IN HIGHER EDUCATION,, Bucharest, May 6th , 2016
Speech at 19th Eurasian Economic Summit, Presidential Session: Longing for Cold War ? April, 2016
Speech of President Constantinescu at 7th Hight Level Meeting INTERFAITH DIALOGUE, Rome, January 2016
Speech at the U.N., New York, September 9, 2015
Speech at the 18th Eurasian Economic Summit Sagacious Men Session: Road to Peace: where does humanity go?, Istanbul, April 8th, 2015
Speech at the conference “Opportunities and Challenges for the 21 Century for a New Paradigm” (WAAS). Geneva, Switzerland, June 3, 2013
Speech of President Emil Constantinescu at the ceremony of awarding the Havel Prize for Creative Dissent, Oslo, May 2013
Speech of Dr. Emil Constantinescu, President of Romania (1996-2000) at the Plenary Session ”The Challenge of Shared Societies”, Baku, May 7th, 2013
Speech at the ICD conference: Human Rights Protection & International Law: the Dilemma of Restraining and Promoting International Intervention, 12 April 2013, Reykjavik, Iceland
Opening Speech Romania Oil & Gas Conference, Bucharest, December 4, 2012
Welcome Address at the conference Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE), Berlin, January 4, 2011
Keynote Speech at the conference Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE), Berlin, January 4, 2011
Speech at the Conference „Europe and the World: 30 Years after the Victorious Polish Solidarity”, Gdansk, September 30, 2010
Speech at the MENA RULE OF LAW CONFERENCE 2010. The Road to Justice in MENA: National, International and Traditional Justice Systems Working Together, June 25, 2010
Speech at the ICD, Berlin, May, 2010
Speech at the International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, May, 2010
Speech within the "Sagacious Statements" Eurasian Economic Summit, Istanbul, May 6, 2010
Speech at the 1-st International Geosciences Student Conference, Bucharest, April 22, 2010
Keynote speech at Conference OSCE 2010, a decisiv year for Europe, Bucharest, 24 February 2010
Speech at the inaugural meeting of the NATO Strategic Seminar „The Future of NATO’s Enlargement” Oslo, 13rd January 2010
Speech at the US-EU Global Partenership Forum, Washington, December, 2009
Speech at the Conference Timisoara's Spirit, December 4, 2009
Speech at the International Congress, Berlin, November 8, 2009
Speech at the Balkan Political Club meeting, Istanbul, October 2009
Adress at the 14th International Berlin Gathering, June 19, 2009
Speech at the awarding of the Adalbert Stiftung Krefeld Prize to Mr. Arpad Goncz, Prague, June 2009
Keynote address prepared for the UNESCO Forum on Higher Education in the Europe Region: Access, Values, Quality and Competitiveness, Bucharest, Romania, May 24, 2009
Speech held at the Freedom Forum, Oslo, May 20, 2009
President Constantinescu's Speech at the 12th Eurasian Economic Summit, Istanbul, May, 2009
Speech at the Conference''Macedonia on the road to NATO and EU'', Ohrid, Macedonia, February, 2009
Speech at the International Conference National and International Dimensions of the Sovereignty - Tallinn, Estonia, November 14, 2008
Speech at East - West Institute, Washington, October, 2008
Emil Constantinescu, Welcome Remarks and Keynote Address: Why the Rule of Law Matters, World Justice Forum, Vienna July 2008
Speech at the International Islamic Conference for Dialogue, Madrid, July 15-18, 2008
Annual Conference of Religions History, Bucharest, May 23, 2008
President Constantinescu’s VIP Dinner Address Jimmy & Rosalyn Carter Work Project Biloxi, May 11, 2008
Speech at the 11th Eurasian Economic Summit, Istanbul, 1-3 May, 2008
Allocution to the 2nd Forum “Europe – Ukraine”, Kyiv, February 29, 2008
Speeches delivered at the First Global Forum of the New Democracies, Taipei, January 25, 2008
Speech at the International Conference “Changing Role of Women in the Changing World” Budapest, November 2007
Speech at the 10th international conference of Political Balkan Club Sofia, October 5, 2007
Main speech delivered at the Reunion of World Justice Project, organized by American Bar Association, European Lawyers Association and World Lawyers Association, Prague, July 12, 2007
Speech at Eurasian Economic Forum, Istanbul, May 3, 2007
Speech at the 7th Forum for Democracy and Free Trade, Doha, Quatar, April 24, 2007
Speech at East - West Institute, Istanbul, December 11-12, 2006
Speech at the International Conference The First Two Years of EU Membership , Budapest, December 8-9, 2006
Speech at the 9th International Conference of the Balkan Political Club, Sarajevo, 6 May, 2006
Speech at the Innovation and research round table, Iasi , March 27, 2006
Speech delivered at the inauguration of Institute for Peace Studies In Alexandria, February 14, 2006
Prof. dr. Emil Constantinescu’s Speech at Vienna Economic Forum Bucharest, June 20, 2005
Speech at the Seminar ''The Weimar Triangle and Ukraine'', Cracovia, October, 2002
Message at the Opening of the 7th Annual Global Forum, Athens, May, 2002